Tuesday, April 29, 2008

5/3 4:30 PM KMUSTC will take a trip to Tainan!

Tainan has the only other student Toastmaster club in Division D3:
Cheng Kung Toastmasters Club, 成功大學分會!
They were founded four years ago, and have plenty of experience and ideas when it comes to having a successful club.

In hopes to prepare for a joint meeting next semester,
CKTC and their current President, Rachel Wu, has accepted our invitation to serve as dinner hosts in Tainan!

Besides playing a few icebreaker games to get to know each other, we'll get a mini-tour of Tainan
and enjoy a meal together.

We'll meet as a club and take the train together to Tainan, where CKTC generously volunteered to welcome us!

5/3 4:30 PM Tainan Train Station
成功大學 與 高醫 聚餐
Meet and Greet Dinner Event

Bring your best toast buddy and come along!! Let's meet some other great toastmasters!

You can sign up by emailing: lawry23@gmail.com

See you saturday!

1 comment:

By VP-Public Relations Maurice said...

There has been a change in schedule.
This event will be postponed.
Thank you everyone for your interest, we'll keep you updated!

Lawrence VP-PR