Tuesday, April 29, 2008

5/3 4:30 PM KMUSTC will take a trip to Tainan!

Tainan has the only other student Toastmaster club in Division D3:
Cheng Kung Toastmasters Club, 成功大學分會!
They were founded four years ago, and have plenty of experience and ideas when it comes to having a successful club.

In hopes to prepare for a joint meeting next semester,
CKTC and their current President, Rachel Wu, has accepted our invitation to serve as dinner hosts in Tainan!

Besides playing a few icebreaker games to get to know each other, we'll get a mini-tour of Tainan
and enjoy a meal together.

We'll meet as a club and take the train together to Tainan, where CKTC generously volunteered to welcome us!

5/3 4:30 PM Tainan Train Station
成功大學 與 高醫 聚餐
Meet and Greet Dinner Event

Bring your best toast buddy and come along!! Let's meet some other great toastmasters!

You can sign up by emailing: lawry23@gmail.com

See you saturday!

Meeting 5 Summary!

We had another successful meeting.
Meet and greet began at 6:30, and our official starting time was 7:05 PM!
Our Toastmaster of the Evening is the ever delightful John Huang.
Our General Evaluator was Doris Liu.
Our Grammarian was senior member Mayna Chien.

Today, four brand new speakers gave their C1 speech:

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Meeting 5! 4/20

Welcome all members and guests!

On Sunday, 4/20, we'll be having our 5th meeting!

We'll begin at 6:30 PM with a Meet and Greet and a fun game for everyone to play.

Our meeting will begin at 7 PM! Li Shue Building, same room, A3!

Come and hear some brand new speakers, participate in an interesting table topics session, and learn what it takes to be a great public speaker!


Congratulations to Lawrence for winning 2nd place in Division D's 2008 Table Topics Contest!!

On the far left: Mike Lee, founder of Chung Gung Toastmasters Club
Second from the left: Mike Young, Judge of Division D Table Topics Contest
In front of Lawrence: Rachel Wu, current President of Chung Gung Toastmasters Club

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Meeting 4! 3/30! Theme: Attitude

Tonight, KMUSTC concluded yet another great meeting. Our Toastmaster of the Evening, Catherine Cheng, graciously conducted the meeting, and made sure everything was run smoothly.
Four members gave their C1 speech icebreaker: David Wu, Wanda Tsai, David Yun, and Clarice Chen. Congratulations to you all for taking the first step. Thank you for being well prepared and rising above expectations. For those of you who have yet to speak, volunteer quickly! Standards will only get higher and higher as you wait on the sidelines, which is clearly evident tonight. :)
Lillian Tseng, the Table Topics Session Master, provided us with a great topic: specialty foods of Taiwan. Members were asked to draw out at random a particular food item, asked to describe the dish, indicate why they liked or disliked it, and explain why the item is unique or special. No pushing or pressuring was needed, we had five people volunteer to speak: Edward Lee, Casey Lin, our Area D governor, Ben Johnson, a guest, Anita and ! Food items ranged from stinky tofu to bubble milk tea to bell fruit/wax apple and lychee. YUM!
Jonathan Chen, as the General Evaluator, led a really strong group of Evaluators tonight: Synex Ko, Tina Yu, Tracy Wu, and Dennis Pan. Thank you, senior members, for taking your time to support us and encourage us! Thank you also to Maurice, our Treasurer, and Edward for being our Ah counter and Timer and keeping everyone on their toes.
Thanks again to Tiffany for being our Grammarian tonight. Like always, her report was extremely helpful to all of us as she mentioned not only grammatical errors but tips for speech structure and organization.
As a conclusion, President Jessica passed out lucky cookies to wish all members success on the upcoming midterms.

Congratulations to those that recieved "The Best" awards:
Best Session Master: Lillian Tseng
Best Evaluator: Tracy Wu
Best Table Topics Speaker: Edward Lee
Best Speaker: David Yun

Our next meeting is 4/20, 7 PM again in A3!

Good luck with those midterms!