Sunday, March 15, 2009

Some Announcements!!!

First of all, thanks to you all coming to participate in today's meeting, especially to those brave enough to come up to the stage to deliver a speech as well as a short talk. I believe that you all have learned a lot from these precious experience. However, there are still some details that I would like you guys to write down on your notes or just memorize:

1. The 18th meeting originally held on March 29th will be postponed to April 5th. In addition, the 19th meeting will be arranged to April 26th due to April 19th will be the midterm exam.

2.There will be a grand and splendid events- Spring Conference held on April 25th and26th, which are for every Toastmasters around Taiwan. The location is a great news to us- in Kaohsiung city蓮池潭! The chance is very unique because the meeting is rarely take place in southern Taiwan. Our president particularly recommend us to attend the second day's meeting since there will be a world champion coming to deliver a speech in front of us. So, don't hesetate and go! Memebers that are intened to join the special events please contact your family leaders (Jonas, Vita, Maurice) to let them know. By the way, the fee for the first day will be free since our club will be responsible for decorating the conference location; however, it will cost you 700NT if you participate in the second day's meeting.

3.Group 1 please remember that your group leader Jonas will hold a study group on this Thursday(3/19), 7~8pm, mainly to have a cahtting time for English practice. He also welcome group2&3 to join them! ^^

OK~that's all about today's announcements! See you~
by VPPR Maurice