Sunday, November 23, 2008

Announcement!!! Officers Come in Please!!

Please every officer of KMUSTC come to Lecce at 16:00 on Thursday afternoon, December 4th. There will be an official comference about what we are going to do in the 13th meeting.
by VP-PR Mauirce

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The 11th Meeting Time Announcement !!

The 11th meeting will be postponed to November 23th, 2008 and begin at 19:00 punctually. The agenda will be the same as the one previously post on the BBS- ToastKMU-S(telnet:// So, be prepared!

Speaker :
Jeff Feng(C1)
Ginny Lee(C2)
Jonas Liu(C2)
Wendy Tang(C3)
※Please submit your script or outline before 11/20.
Thank you very much.

Table Topic : Vita Chen
Master of Toastmaster Meeting : Maurice Lee
General Evaluator Master : David Chen
Timer : Jack Lai
Ah Counter : Sam Chen
Grammerian : Grace Chang
Reception : Maurice Lee

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The 10th Meeting

First of all, congradulations to those members who have participated in today's meeting. Since KMUSTC provides us with a perfect environment for not only parcticing English-speech ability, but learning and receiving the latest information that is quite useful and informative in our daily life, I suppose you guys must acquire a lot from it. ^^

During the speech session, we had the opportunity to get to know each other very well by the speaker doing his or her C1speech; what's more, through C2 speaker Wendy Tang's "lecture", we realised the danger of the "sweet" substance--aspartame, which is indeed toxic. In special session, thanks to Jonas, we were able to understand that "Courage comes with practice.", and I believe the idea can be applied to many situations where you want to have some commitment while the fear is filled with your mind. Well, the best to overcome the problem is to embrace the fear-to ackonwlege it-then conquer it. Hopefully the saying will come your mind when stepping on the stage.

In table topics session, we discussed about travel including the place we want to visit most, the meaning of travel as well as how to attract more foreign tourist coming to Taiwan(through the internet or filming, etc.), I hope that this topc will give us a whole new idea about traveling.

Once again, thank you guys coming to the meeting tonight. You will learn more in the following conferences.