Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Meeting 7 Summary!

The Officer Election for the 2008-2009 school year
will be held at our next and LAST meeting of the semester!
8th Meeting 6/1 Sunday 6:30 PM

All members plea
se attend!
In order for the election to be valid, all members have to show up!

N stands for New Building 新大樓 218

Today was our second to last meeting, the 7th, for the semester!
The Toastmaster of the Evening was Jonas Liu, our VP Education- who did an excellent job in preparing, running the meeting and making sure it went smoothly.

Thank you to Grace Shih, DTM, for running our special session today. She showed us how wonderful the world of Toastmasters is by letting us watch two champion speakers from the convention of 2003: Casey Lin for her Humorous Speech and Joyce Wu for her International speech on her father. Both were inspiring in their quality, attention to detail, and impact.

The Table Topics Session was conducted by Emily Wu, whose theme today was on the earthquake that just hit SiQuan, China a few days ago. Her questions prompted us to think more deeply about what it meant to Taiwanese, who experienced the 912 earthquake, and how we could help. Well done, everyone! Many brave members came up today for the table topics, let's give them a round of applause!

Doris Liu, was our Evaluation Session Master this time, and as usual, she did a fine job in pointing out what needed to be improved. Our meeting did not officially begin until 7:15 PM today, as we were waiting for members to trickle in. Hopefully we'll do better at our last meeting!

Thank you to our Timer 品紓 and our Ah Counter 京澤 for providing us with careful feedback. Grace performed double duty today as our language evaluator, giving us many helpful tips.

As usual, President Jessica presented the awards:
Best Speaker: Lawrence Huang
Best Table Topic Speaker: Eric Liang
Best Evaluator: Catherine Chang
Best Session Master: Jonas Liu
Most Improved Speaker: Chung Yi Lin

The final segment of the meeting was thanking our senior members and sponsors for all they have done for us this semester, including a little sweet gift to show the appreciation from KMUSTC.

As VP-PR, I also want to take the opportunity here to thank the six other officers:
Jessica, Jonas, Jyun Cheng, Maurice, Vanessa, and Conan. It was a pleasure working with your guys this semester, and I think we have gone a long way as a team. Like I said, I regret that we were not able to meet sooner or work together for a longer period of time. And, if you couldn't tell, I was really touched with the was a pleasant surprise. I will miss you all in Taipei. Thanks for your hard work and keep it up. To all KMUSTC members: continue to pour your efforts into the club! You will gain much and learn much, as I have in these short months. For those of you who are rising stars in KMUSTC: whether its is because you have won an award or gave a really great speech or have come to all the meetings or just want to give more time to Toastmasters, consider running for officer next year! You will be able to see first hand and experience how large the Toastmaster family is! The skills, connections, and friendships you form here will be with you wherever you go. Thank you all for your support and patience with your first VP-Public Relations. It was an honor.

Meeting 6 Summary

Thank you to everyone who arrived early today!
Our meeting began at 7:05 PM, and we are making steady improvement.

There were several firsts at this meeting.
Lawrence, the VP-PR was the Toastmaster of the Evening, marking the first time that a member
took this position. Many thanks to our Senior members and Sponsors who spent their time role
modeling for us so that we could reach this new stage in KMUSTC. From now on, we'll be putting more members into session master positions, and after C4 speeches, members will be promoted to be evaluators as well. KMUSTC, we are steadily moving upwards!

Today's theme was Mother's Day, and both the Table Topics Session, led by session master Jonas Liu
and the special session, used this theme. The special session was a charades game with a Mother's day Theme. Everyone who attended the meeting, including guests, were divided into two teams. For every 1 minute round, each team earn points by guessing correctly the clue word explained to them by their team representative. Each clue was related somehow to mothers, and the restriction for the team representative was that he/she must use the word "mother" in his or her explanation, without using hand gestures. There were three rounds total, and at the end of the game: Both Team A and Team B had the same number of points! Almost everyone agreed that the interaction and team bonding added something more to the meeting today.

Jonas thoughtfully organized a powerpoint to get everyone thinking about mother's day. Each question asked us to reflect upon stories in which members explained their gratitude for their moms.

A big thanks to John Huang, who at the last minute took on the position of Evaluation Session Master.

At this meeting, President Jessica presented the awards for:
Best Speaker: Emily Wu
Best Table Topics Speaker:
Best Evaluator:
Best Session Master: Jonas Liu

Thank you to Evan for being our Timer, 盈佑 for being Ah Counter, and Tiffany for giving us our Language Evaluation report!

Behind the scenes, one final thanks to all the officers involved in making the special session game materials as well as planning in advance all the details to allow this meeting to run smoothly!

Happy Mother's Day to All!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Come to our 6th Meeting!

Welcome to our 6th Meeting on Sunday!
Our theme for the week is:
Mother's Day

How has your mother influenced your life?

Please arrive early as the meeting will begin on time!

Venue: Room A3, Li-Hsueh Building Kaohsiung Medical University
Meeting Dates: Every 1st and 3rd Sunday Evening
Time: 06:45~9:00PM, Sunday, May. 4, 2008

Meeting Agenda No.6

Time Content Time Conductor Evaluator(CL)
18:45 Reception & social PRVP/MVP
18:59 Call for Meeting SAA
19:00 Opening 5 min President
19:05 Toastmaster of Meeting 5 min Lawrence Huang John Huang
19:10 Manual Speech Session 15 min TM
C1 Ice Breaker
Hi!I Am Vanessa 4-6 min Vanessa Hsieh謝湘宜
C1 Ice Breaker
Detective Conan 4-6 min ConanWu吳俊翰
C2 Organize Your Speech
A remarkable director 4-6 min Emily Wu 吳筱雯
19:25 Special Session 20min Lawrence Huang
19:45 Intermission 10 min
19:55 Table Topics Session 20 min Jonas Liu Jonathan Chen
20:15 Evaluation Session 15 min Casey Lin John Huang
Evaluator#1 (C1) 2-3 min John Huang Jonathan Chen
Evaluator#2 (C1) 2-3 min Lillian Chen Casey Lin
Evaluator#3 (C1) 2-3 min Doris Liu Lillian Chen
20:30 Timer Report 1min 陳俊丞
Ah Counter Report 1min 陳盈佑
Language Evaluator Report 5 min Tiffany Taulton Jonathan Chen
General Evaluation 3 min GE
20:40 Award Presentation 5 min President
20:45 Officers’ Report 10 min
21:05 Adjourn President