Thursday, March 27, 2008

Division D Speech and Table Topics Contest! 台南!3/29 1:30-5:00 PM!

Members who are interested please contact VP-PR
Lawrence at his cellphone 0911605108.
you can also email him at

Depending on who wants to go, we'll decide on transportation!
If numbers are few, we're going to carpool with some senior members.
If numbers are greater, then we'll probably take the train.

Here's the Agenda and information for the event!

Toastmasters International District 67

Division D, Manual Speech & Table Topic Speech Contests
Date/Time March 29th, 2008 (Saturday) 13:30 - 17:00
(地點) 2nd Lecture Hall, 1F, Medical College, National Cheng Kung University
Address 台南市大學路1號
小東路 建國校區醫學院102講堂
Time Program
13:30 Reception/Registration CKTC
13:50 Speech Contestants Draw Lots
14:00 Call Meeting to Order / S.A.A. David Tsui
14:01 Words of Welcome/ D Division Governor Casey Lin
Manual Speech Contest
Timers: Emery Huang & Sierra Chin
Score Counters: Angela Hsieh & Janet Jiang
14:05 Opening Remarks / Contest Chair Doris Kuo
14:10 Rules Briefing / Chief Judge Benjamin Lin
Order Speech Title Contestants
5-7 minutes each  
Thank you for loving me Tina Yu
  Enjoy my age Teresa Hsiao
  Rent a House Think? Think Twice Tim Wu
  Try something different Genna Fu
  The ugly duck Tina Wen
  Less is more Sophie Yang
15:05 Intermission
15:15 Table Topic Contestants Draw Lot
15:25 Call Meeting to Order / S.A.A. David Tsui

Table Topic Contest
Timers: Victor Kung & Teresa Hsiao
Score Counters: Jerry Chen & Joyce Tu
S.A.A.: Rachel Wu & Eric Sun
15:26 Remarks by Contest Chair Dinger Chen
15:30 Rules Briefing / Chief Judge Mike Lee
Order Contestants 2 minutes each  
Wendy Yang
  Kevin Chiu
  Emery Huang
  Julius Chen
  Angela Ku
  Lawrence Huang
  1-minute silence between each contestant
16:25 Remarks/Division Governor  Casey Lin
16:30 Certificates and Awards Presenting
District Governor/Division Governor/Area D2 Governor/Chief Judge/Special Guests
16:48 Closing Remarks/ D2 Governor Benjamin Lin
16:50 Contest Adjournment

Meeting 4! 3/30 7 PM A3

Kaohsiung Medical University (Student) TOASTMASTERS CLUB
Venue: Room A3, Li-Hsueh Building Kaohsiung Medical University

Meeting Dates: Every 1st and 3rd Sunday Evening

Time: 06:45~9:00PM, Sunday, Mar. 30, 2008
(This is a special change in time due to upcoming midterms 1st week of April)

Theme: Attitude
We will have four brand new C1 speakers this meeting!
The lovely gentlemen and ladies are:

Davis Wu
Wanda Tsai
David Yun
Sunny Chen

As a courtesy to our senior members who have taken time from their busy schedules to be our Evaluators, Session Masters, and Toastmaster of the Evening, arrive early and
let's start on time at 7 PM!!

See YOU there!!

Monday, March 17, 2008

KMUSTC Meeting No. THREE!!

March 16th, 2008

Today, due to a fever, President Jessica was unable to attend, so VP-PR Lawrence served as the Acting-President. The Toastmaster of the Evening is the extremely capable and always cheerful Doris Liu.

The Manual Speech Speakers were:
Maurice Lee C1
Lawrence Huang C1
Ruby Lin C1

The Evaluation session master was Kathy Shih, leading her team of evaluators:
Jonathan Chen
Ted Tu
Tina Wen
respectively evaluating the speakers in the order above.

Everyone, congratulations on a job well done!

There was also an education orientation on the various roles involved in conducting a successful Toastmasters meeting by Lillian Tseng. Thank you Lillian!
Her powerpoint presentation can be found here:

The Table Topics Session today composed of four brave contestants making speeches about the theme of "Time", hosted by session master Jenny Hung. She is also a fellow student of KMU, who is part of ALEmax since last year!
The questions were:
If you were given 1 extra hour a day to have 25 hours a day, how would you use your time?
If you were given 1 less hour a day to have 24 hours a day, how would you rearrange your schedule?
If you have a time machine to travel back to the past, what time of your life would you return to and why?
If you have a time machine to travel back to the past, what would you do differently?
The speakers were:
Emily Wu
Maurice Lee
Because the speakers were not decided previously, Jenny called out random names from a list-which was both a cruel and exciting method to conduct Table Topics! Thanks to those that volunteered and especially to those that braved the challenge!

Ah Counter for this meeting was Emily Wu while the Timer was Sunny Chen. Thanks to both who participated!

The Grammarian was Tiffany Taulton who did a great job of pointing out common mistakes made by the speakers. She also made constructive comments about the importance of speech organization-whether using a theme, a chronological outline, or an outline by topic that is emphasized in the introduction.

A move was made during the meeting to alter the time for our next meeting due to the long weekend as well as midterms beginning of April.

Due to the midterm exams early April, the next meeting will be held on Sunday, 3/30/2008, again in NB603 at 7 PM sharp! PLEASE BE ON TIME!

See you there!!

Area D3 Speech Contest! NB603!!

Saturday 3/16/2008!
There was both a prepared speech contest and a table topic contest. All 5 clubs sent one representative into each category, totally 10 contestants in all!

For KMUSTC, John Huang, our sponsor and mentor, delivered a prepared speech titled,
"The Precious Gift". Congratulations John, for winning third place in the Prepared Speech Contest!

For KMUSTC, Lawrence Huang, the VP of Public Relations, was the Table Topics speaker. Today, the Table Topics question posed to the contestants was:
If you had the power to improve Taiwan immediately, what would you do?
Congratulations Lawrence, for winning the second place in the Table Topics Contest!

The top three winners of the contest was awarded a certificate, while the top two speakers in each category will represent Area D3 to attend the Division D Contest in 成功大學醫學院 on March 29th, 2008!!

KMUSTC Meeting No. TWO!!!

March 2nd, 2008!

Today we had our first in club Table Topics contest. For those of you who don't know, Table Topics is the Toastmaster equivalent of impromptu speech. The speaker is asked a question, and he/she will answer by making a speech 1 minute to 2 minutes and 30 seconds in length to the audience.

Time to prepare? The time it takes to walk from your seat to the podium!
Out of the three questions, one was chosen for ALL contestants:
If you could be an animal, what animal would you be?

The other two questions that were prepared but not chosen were:
If you could travel back in time and talk to yourself when you were ten years old, what would you say?
If you could give a gift to the one you loved most, what would you give?

February 24th 2008!! The First Official Meeting of KMU Student Toastmasters!!

Our club, KMU Student Toastmasters Clubs (KMUSTC) has officially been chartered! Today, February 24th, we held our first meeting!

Charter Meeting #1 Manual Speech Speakers:

Emily Wu
Edward Yu
Sandy Wu
Ariel Tzan

Congratulations to Edward Yu for winning the Best Speaker Award at this meeting!
Congratulations to President Jessica Chang for winning the Best Table Topics Speaker Award at this meeting!

Thank you everyone for a great meeting- and everyone behind the scenes who made it all possible!