Monday, June 1, 2009

The Very Last of the Semester!!!

Next Meeting, also our last meeing will be on 7, June.We originally said 24 May, but due to some events we are forced to change.In this meeting, We are going to have office electionsAnd also extremely big meals waiting for you!! hahaSo please come and join us!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Venue Will Be at Room N216 in 4/5

As the title reads, the venue will be changed to N216 this week due to the original one is already occupied. Don't forget and please tell the guests who will join us on that day!!
by VP-PR Maurice

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Some Announcements!!!

First of all, thanks to you all coming to participate in today's meeting, especially to those brave enough to come up to the stage to deliver a speech as well as a short talk. I believe that you all have learned a lot from these precious experience. However, there are still some details that I would like you guys to write down on your notes or just memorize:

1. The 18th meeting originally held on March 29th will be postponed to April 5th. In addition, the 19th meeting will be arranged to April 26th due to April 19th will be the midterm exam.

2.There will be a grand and splendid events- Spring Conference held on April 25th and26th, which are for every Toastmasters around Taiwan. The location is a great news to us- in Kaohsiung city蓮池潭! The chance is very unique because the meeting is rarely take place in southern Taiwan. Our president particularly recommend us to attend the second day's meeting since there will be a world champion coming to deliver a speech in front of us. So, don't hesetate and go! Memebers that are intened to join the special events please contact your family leaders (Jonas, Vita, Maurice) to let them know. By the way, the fee for the first day will be free since our club will be responsible for decorating the conference location; however, it will cost you 700NT if you participate in the second day's meeting.

3.Group 1 please remember that your group leader Jonas will hold a study group on this Thursday(3/19), 7~8pm, mainly to have a cahtting time for English practice. He also welcome group2&3 to join them! ^^

OK~that's all about today's announcements! See you~
by VPPR Maurice

Friday, February 20, 2009

The 15th Meeting

Well, winter vacation is finally over. I suppose that you all had a great time. But don't forget KMUSTC! The very first meeting in this semester will take place in February 22th, 2009. The comference location will be the same as usaual....N218!
So join us and enjoy speaking in English!^^

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Dear all,
December 21st will be our 13th meeting . Because of the coming Christmas and New year holidays, we as the KMUSTC's staff will prepare some excellent activities as well as many gourmet treats for all of you guys. Participants need to prepare a small gift that costs about 100NTD in advance for the party. So don't hesitate and join us !

However, the normal meeting won't be postponed. Due to this "special session"mentioned above, our normal meeting agenda will be a bit revised. There will be only manual speech sessions and evaluation sessions during the meeting. Speakers are the following: Jonas Liu, Vita Chen and Michael Yung. Please get prepared properly!

Once again, don't forget Dec. 21st and participate in the special time of the year.

by VP-PR Maurice

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Announcement!!! Officers Come in Please!!

Please every officer of KMUSTC come to Lecce at 16:00 on Thursday afternoon, December 4th. There will be an official comference about what we are going to do in the 13th meeting.
by VP-PR Mauirce

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The 11th Meeting Time Announcement !!

The 11th meeting will be postponed to November 23th, 2008 and begin at 19:00 punctually. The agenda will be the same as the one previously post on the BBS- ToastKMU-S(telnet:// So, be prepared!

Speaker :
Jeff Feng(C1)
Ginny Lee(C2)
Jonas Liu(C2)
Wendy Tang(C3)
※Please submit your script or outline before 11/20.
Thank you very much.

Table Topic : Vita Chen
Master of Toastmaster Meeting : Maurice Lee
General Evaluator Master : David Chen
Timer : Jack Lai
Ah Counter : Sam Chen
Grammerian : Grace Chang
Reception : Maurice Lee